What is The Spontaneous Film Review Blog?

We started this because we love movies.
We wanted to share our viewing experiences as a resource for others.
We also want to be able to remember what movies we watched, this blog will help with that.
We are both into music, creative writing and art and I thought this would be a great way to apply our unique background and life experiences that will be apparent in our ratings and reviews.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Finding Providence


We both liked the movie.
It reminded me a little of a darker "Clerks" with a more emotionally engaging plot. A more realistic plot- a there were no truant street hockey games or sex in the back room. The shots of the main characters in front of the DVD storage racks as they checked customers DVDs in and out impressed me.
There was a lot of great body language acting. I thought the portrayal of Tom's mourning and co-morbid obsessive thoughts were realistic to some one who had experienced such a tragedy. The theme of friendship was visited throughout the film, both the good and the bad.

1 comment:

  1. "....DVD storage racks...." really? REALLY? which one of y'all is the fact-checker/editor?
